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5-28-13 Minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting May 28, 2013

Present:  Chairperson Barbara Swartz, Sara Fiori, Mary Ellen Halliwell. Bev Moustakis, Mary Anne Piechocki, Sandra Power, Barbara Sirois, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky   Absent:  Marcia Lambert, Lisa Lyons,

Meeting was called to order at 7:32P.M.  
Review Minutes of the Meeting of April 23, 2913:  It was moved and seconded that the Minutes be approved as written.  The Motion passed.

  • Clean Salem Green Salem Recap:  Chairperson Barbara reported that the following local businesses were sponsors of the May 4th event:  Domino’s Pizza, Magika, Shaws Market, Steve’s Quality Market, Front Street Coffee House and the City of Salem.  In addition ten neighborhood groups participated.  “Thank you” letters will be sent to all.  In discussing plans for next year, it was decided that the date of the event should be decided earlier, that we should work through the Neighborhood Associations as early as January, and that donations of supplies such as rakes, bags and brooms should be persued.  Gallows Hill as a cleanup site was discussed.  Problems with the location of the event base at Leslies’s Retreat were reported.  The site is decentralized and two people suffered dog bites.  It was also noted that there were four other significant events scheduled for the 4th.  The Committee together with the Recycling Committee should lock in the shared Clean Salem Green Salem date on the Salem Master Calendar. The first Saturday in May was suggested. Chairman Barbara proposed that further discussion take place during January 2014 meeting.
  • Plant Sale Recap:  The Sale was held on Saturday May 18th and Sunday May 19th.    The event earned $780.00 on Saturday and $529.00 on Sunday.  For a total of $1,319.00.  Bev Mousakis, Sam Fiore, and Sandi Power contributed items to be raffled.   Both daily winners of the 50:50 raffle donated their winnings back to the Committee.   Discussion suggested that the Committee create a list of goals and then focus the money raising events to enable the achievement of the goals.  The goals would be established in 2013 for achievement in 2014.  The Committee would have a bucket list of fund raising events and service projects between May and October.  The results would be reported annually in January.   Pricing issues were discussed as was the need for a “special plant” table.  Lisa has created some 40 “Thank you” cards using photos from the event.  Sandi will send some to her volunteers who helped staff the Sunday Sale.  Bev will send one to Coffeetime to thank them for their donation of goodies.  These will be available to use throughout the year by the committee. It was suggested that they be brought to the next meeting for Committee member signatures.   
  • Active Duty service island planting and care - This island is created, maintained and funded by the Committee itself.  It was noted that that the Island needs three yards of mulch which will cost $200.00.  A motion to acquire the mulch was offered, seconded and passed with one vote in opposition.  Sandi described the current status of the Island.  She noted the need for dirt and the availability of the use of cobblestones left over from the renovation work going on the Pedestrian Mall.  Choices for flowering plants to be added to the Island were considered. Sandi will purchase Wave Petunias.  It is hoped that the Sheriff’s department community service people will help with the mulching of the Island.  An Island maintenance calendar was produced.  Each Committee member signed up to be responsible for the care of the island for a particular week this summer.  
  • Lady of Salem Presentation:  Mary Ellen, the chair of the Lady of Salem bowsprit figurehead project, reviewed the history, goals plus past and ongoing activities of the project.  The initial idea was hers. The idea was to engage the community in public art and that a maritime history theme seemed a good match.  She suggested the use of the Lady of Salem figure model and the project got underway.  The source for the basic “Ladies” form was located.  The figures now cost $149.00 a piece plus $25.00 for shipping.  Committee members Sam Fiori, Bev Moustakis, Mary Anne Piechocki and Lisa Lyons are the active members of this venture.  Sally Millus has been a community volunteer.  Initially it was hoped that this would be a profit making project but that did not work out.  However the goal of engaging local groups such as the YMCA, schools and others has been successful.  Two main tasks were to choose artists and to locate sponsors.  Recommendations from the Salem Arts Association and others are considered in choosing artists.  Sponsors have been found by advertisements and personal contact, the website and eBlasts.  The chosen artist and the sponsor meet and agree as to how the “Lady” is to be painted and decorated.  In 2010, Ellen took the project before the city’s Redevelopment Committee for approval.  Approval was granted with the caveat that all “Ladies” need to be visible to the public. The Ladies were first hung up in 2010.  Since then there have been special events and presentations at the Salem arts festival, Trails and Sails, and opportunities for children to decorate depictions of the figures that are printed on paper. The figures are usually hung the first week in June and taken down before Halloween. Sponsors pay fees of $300.00 or $500.00 depending upon the terms of the agreement plus $25.00 to hang the figure for a subsequent summer session.  The Chairperson Barbara has asked the group to make a list of tasks to be completed and tasks to be undertaken by the rest of the Committee
A Motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe.

Next Meeting:  June 25, 2013 at 7:30 P.M.
Chairperson: Barbara Swartz